The Bands Members |
Hansi Kürsh
Vocals |
Date of Birth
10th of August, 1966
Place of Birth
Lank-Latum, j. Meerbusch
Marital Status
Married / 1 Son
André Olbrich
Guitars |
Date of Birth
3rd of May, 1967
Place of Birth
Marital Status
ESP Custom Guitars, Engl Amps, Ibanez & Line 6 Effects
Marcus Siepen
Guitars |
Date of Birth
8th of September, 1968
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Gibson Guitars exclusively, Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier & Rectocabs
Thomas Stauch
Drums and Percussion |
Date of Birth
11. 03. 1970
Place of Birth
Krefeld, Germany
Marital Status
Married since Sept. '99
Drums and Percussion
Premier (Signia) - Drums; Paiste - Cymbals; various Percussion
There could be information
about other band members,
guest musicians, tour etc etc.
There could be information
about other band members,
guest musicians, tour etc etc.
There could be information
about other band members,
guest musicians, tour etc etc. |
Thomas Stauch |
Was born in year 1970, March the 11th in town called Krefeld. Thomas is married since September '99. Sometimes shows himself at #Tavern (IRC channel).
Favorite movie "The sixth sense", "From dusk till dawn", "Braveheart". Favorite bands Judas Priest (with R. Halford), Queen, Queensryche (till Promised land). |
Did you know? |
May be some small sentence about some funny bands life situations, events, or other facts... |
Favourite Taste
Favourite Food
Spinach in cream with cooked potatoes and fried eggs
Favourite Drink
Ice Tea (peach or lemon)
Favourite Colors
Dark blue, black and wine-red
Favourite Movie
The sixth sense; From dusk till dawn; Braveheart
Favourite Book
Instruction manuals- ( never ending stories!!)
Favourite Game
To play: Chess; / to watch: soccer
3 Favourite Bands
Judas Priest (with R. Halford); Queen; Queensryche (till Promised land)
Favourite Album
Rage for order (Queensryche)
Movies; computer; wait for a long period of sunny weather in Germany
Domestic Animals
1 dog (Hovawart) and 4 European house cats
Who, or what are you afraid of?
That I will lose somebody of our families, friends or animals!!!
George W. Bush; Bill Gates; gene-manipulation and cloning;
Who, or what makes you happy
To play live; go on vacations with my wife; good weather; our animals- but only when they are not trying to get even my wife´s and my food! Anyday they ´ll even eat our bodies, after we ´re fallen asleep!! ;-)
What sports do you like?
Soccer / Darts
Which team do you support?
I´m not a big fan but I like Bayer Leverkusen most
What place would you like to travel to and explore if you could?
What was the most impressive place where you traveled so far?
Japan & the body of my wife |